Thursday, October 9, 2014

i'm not even a fighter

your eyes are weapons of mass destruction
i see explosions in your pupils or maybe that's just my heartbeat
head's light like bullets
skin set on radioactive at the touch of my fingertips to your palm
vision glazed over with the image of hydrogen bombs erupting at the bottom of the ocean
you're a dangerous one 
a thief
a sly little knife, quiet like ice 'til the avalanche rolls down the mountainside
kamikaze, or maybe not
the red blood cells taking host in my veins are unstable
all because of a pair of green eyes

oxygen, i need oxygen
i need your voice
the roll of peace treaties off your tongue
cease fire
or at least give me some sort of sign that this war isn't completely one-sided
do these brown eyes look like modern warfare?
brown, like the haze of smoke over the sun?
wild fires in domestic places?
blanketed ash?

i'll fight with my bare hands if i have to
just fight back like you feel threatened the same way i do

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