Monday, June 2, 2014

online courses remind me of creative writing, but nelson's class was more fun

hi, i'm in college and i think i'm getting insomnia
i have a paper due tomorrow and i've only written one-fifth of it
good thing i can't sleep, right?

i don't know what's got me so unsettled
but i'm tipping over, and it looks like it's going to be a long way down
i don't even feel like i'm unfocused
i know exactly what i'm doing
it's time that's out of place
not me

...i think i just figured out why i can't sleep

i changed my major to art education
i got a calling in church as a sunday school teacher
i taught my first lesson
and i loved it

i think i found my calling in life
guys, i'm going to be an art teacher one day
but i'm scared
and it keeps me up at night

i'm in college, but i'm yearning for those elementary school days


  1. "but i'm tipping over, and it looks like it's going to be a long way down"

    Unreal Line, also, I give your self discovery 10/10

    If you teach like you can write you'll be great.

  2. that last line spoke true for me, SO GOOD!

  3. You should be scared. And that's not necessarily a bad thing.

    I agree with Zack's self-discovery assessment.
